About Me: Suzy

An East-Coaster bewildered that I ended up in the Midwest post-graduation. More bewildered that I've come to love it.
[This budget blog chronicles my valiant attempts to make a living off my writing and stay in the black...]
vegetables, CSPAN, high heels, travel writing, Anderson Cooper, rooftop bars, watching sports with strangers
Dislikes: monogrammed clothing, people who take pictures of food, my current travel budget, Wednesdays! ugh.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Net Worth Update + June Goals

I just updated my Networth, after not having done it for awhile… up to $38,273! In part, I hadn’t updated it because I have been discouraged lately, as my cash keeps going down. It was encouraging to see that where my liquid assets have gone down, my retirement savings and the rest of my assets have gone up. My company gave me a little bit of extra stock for an award I received recently. And bonus time is coming up! Not that my bonus will be much to speak of. But still, it will be a nice boost.

So, back to the downer of my cash diminishing… I haven’t quite been able to figure it out. I haven’t done anything different, and yet my emergency savings have been depleted to 67% of my goal, and I’m still at only 5% of my B-school savings goal. To diagnose my little issue, I think the only major reason I’m seeing my savings decline instead of grow is that… I haven’t done anything different. And, surprise - costs are going up everywhere. Remedy = doing something different.

GOALS for the rest of the month:
1) When my end of year work bonus comes in, I’m committing to devote 60% to B-School Savings, 30% to the E-Fund and 10% towards something fun!
2) Try to carpool 2x a week instead of one.

And now for the doozy…

3) Give up alcohol for the remainder of the month.

I know this seems crazy, but it’s only the remainder of the month. And I’m 24, not an alcoholic! AND this will serve my other *secret* goal of losing five pounds before I spend the week with the Guy’s parents for the 4th of July…

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