About Me: Suzy

An East-Coaster bewildered that I ended up in the Midwest post-graduation. More bewildered that I've come to love it.
[This budget blog chronicles my valiant attempts to make a living off my writing and stay in the black...]
vegetables, CSPAN, high heels, travel writing, Anderson Cooper, rooftop bars, watching sports with strangers
Dislikes: monogrammed clothing, people who take pictures of food, my current travel budget, Wednesdays! ugh.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm Back...

And it was incredible... More to come later when I'm over the jet lag and recovered from a week long vino hangover.


Anonymous said...

Oh Wow, do share! I've wanted to go to Buenos Aires since my parents went and called it "a Europe in South America." I'm pushing for a trip down there as our honeymoon...give me some good stuff to use!

Suzy said...

Cool, I definitely recommend the trip! And I think it would be GREAT as a honeymoon. We met several honeymooning couples on our stay...and tons of things were very romantic. If you go, I was absolutely in love with Mendoza (just posted more in my recap), and if you do I recommend our wine lodge - very private and perfect for a honeymoon. Called the "Casa Glebinias" (search on trip advisor for other reviews), it's a few small lodges on a private estate in the main wine producing region. It's very private with tons of space, and a lovely couple who manages all of the properties. Have fun! And let me know if you want more specific recommendations.

My restaurant recos (beyond whats in my post):
"Las Negras" (Mendoza - Chacras de Coria region)
"Azafran" (Mendoza City)
"Happening" (Buenos Aires, the cheaper - but just as good - steak house = I would say much better than the more expensive one which everyone will recommend, "Cabana Las Lilas")