About Me: Suzy

An East-Coaster bewildered that I ended up in the Midwest post-graduation. More bewildered that I've come to love it.
[This budget blog chronicles my valiant attempts to make a living off my writing and stay in the black...]
vegetables, CSPAN, high heels, travel writing, Anderson Cooper, rooftop bars, watching sports with strangers
Dislikes: monogrammed clothing, people who take pictures of food, my current travel budget, Wednesdays! ugh.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February Goals Recap

I actually managed to keep my goals this month! After this weekend visiting Boston coming up, I'm on track to go overbudget.... BUT at least I'm making some progress on my other goals:

Carpool to work at least 3x per week
- Check! For three weeks, I carpooled 4 times a week! And this week, I only made it once. But I will be out of town for two days, so not sure that counts...

Sell our old dresser on Craigs List
Check! Amazingly, someone finally took an interest in our vintage, antique, well-treasured, missing-a-knob dresser. Sold for $125! And now we can actually see the floor in our spare room!

Send Valentines to friends
Check! I sent only three Valentines, but they were all hand-written long notes that I think meant something special to the three gals that received them.

Reach out / make a date to hang out with someone new
Check! The Guy and I made a date to have dinner with a colleague from work and his wife... and they were so fun, we laughed our heads off all night, and went back to their home post-dinner to try out some hookah he had brought back from Turkey. Unexpected, and way cool.

Write two NEW pages of my story.
Half-check. I made some progress on my story and got just enough confidence to keep going on it. I want to carry this one over to next month, so I can actually dedicate more time to getting it in a presentable place. The Guy always complains because I never let him read my writing... not my fiction, not this blog, not my college thesis... so I am going to try to get it into a state where I will actually be comfortable handing it over...

Nothing like setting small goals to get that feeling of accomplishment someway or another...

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