About Me: Suzy

An East-Coaster bewildered that I ended up in the Midwest post-graduation. More bewildered that I've come to love it.
[This budget blog chronicles my valiant attempts to make a living off my writing and stay in the black...]
vegetables, CSPAN, high heels, travel writing, Anderson Cooper, rooftop bars, watching sports with strangers
Dislikes: monogrammed clothing, people who take pictures of food, my current travel budget, Wednesdays! ugh.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tricky Tactics

You know how it goes when you have one of those blow out weekends? You know, an unexpected expense comes up on a day you had already planned a big dinner, or a purchase you had planned ends up being double, and then next thing you know you’re uttering those deadly “what the hell, I’ve already blown it” words in your head and you find yourself at Macy’s or at the premium gourmet grocery store throwing things into your cart with abandon. Yeah, the worst. You feel defeated, so you assume the “why not” mentality. So I’ve been trying to think of a good tactic for when I get into those temporary spending ruts. I think the main thing is to get back in the right frame of mind. If you can do one small belt-tightening thing after a blow-out day or weekend, it might help swing the scale and remind you of the journey you’re on, and why you’re doing it. Like, maybe skip the wine at the big dinner or order a less expensive entrĂ©e. Or transfer more money into your savings.

On another note, the Guy invited me to a wedding in Chicago about a month from now, which is kind of a big deal. This is the first time I’ll be meeting all of his real friends, and I want to make a really good impression. His last girlfriend was really beautiful, and in contrast, I am… really smart. I’ve heard that his friends and family still refer to me only as the name of the Ivy league college I attended. As in, “So you’re still with Ivy girl, huh?” When you hear “IVY” you do not think beautiful. So I know I will want to go shopping and get a new dress (new shoes, jewelry, etc.) for the weekend. So I’ll try to tighten my belt even more between now and then to save up. Eating out is an easy one, so that’s probably where I’ll focus. Although it will be hard since I’m going to San Francisco this weekend to visit my best friend.

But the way I see it, this whole personal finance road to wealth is a lifelong marathon, not a sprint through your twenties. It’s all about getting smart and forming the right habits, not about one weekend where you mess up or even one event where you really need to splurge.

1 comment:

PiggyBankBlues said...

wow, that's so crazy. well, i kind of think brainiacs are hot, so maybe ivy=sexy...